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Semester Exams/Grades Bounce Back Coaching

Contemporary Boardroom
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This coaching is for any enrolled law student who has completed at least one semester and seeks to strategically bounce back from an immediate past semester of an unsatisfactory exam performance or grades. Let’s make the necessary adjustments to speedily improve your academic and mental performance. We will engage in a collaborative exploration process for you to effectively transition to the next exams to perform when it counts most, under pressure.


How does coaching work?

Everyone is different, so your sessions will reflect your needs. 


  • You may want a session where I help you come to terms with unsatisfactory exam results so that it no longer has power over you.

  • You may want sessions where I assess your mental preparation and performance throughout the semester and I provide suggestions to improve.

  • You may want sessions before exams where I help you remove mental and emotional barriers so that you can maximize your performance potential on exam day.


Whatever you need, I’m here to support and encourage you every step of the way! 

Cost and Session Times

The cost is $65 per session (1 Hour) on Zoom. I work with times that are best for both of our schedules. My goal is to help you develop the skills you need in one to two semesters so that you don’t need my services forever, returning only when you need help developing a new skill.


My Coaching Is Confidential

Trust forms the core of the coaching relationship. I respect what you say and will not repeat your information to anyone or to any entity. I maintain your confidentiality and privacy in all communications. I do not disclose that you are a client if you do not want that known.

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